Conjunction time Skymates! Cancer, today we have the Moon conjoining Pluto which might just uncover some deep truths. Taking place in Capricorn (your opposite sign), we’re dealing with structures, our fathers, governments, and self-discipline. Today we might experience epiphanies in relation to these topics. Or we might simply notice just how harsh we are on ourselves. Cancer, specific to you today, is the theme of what others expect from you. When this theme comes up, the answer is almost always: listen to your heart. You’ll always know what’s truly right for you. Even if that means stepping back, and causing tension in your relationships – over time you’ll find yourself in a much better place. Don’t be tempted to villainize others, or victimize yourself. Instead: focus on finding balance, recognizing and honoring the emotional needs of all involved. If required, be the bigger person.