This first full week of Neptune Retrograde is likely to have you deeply in touch with your spirituality, Aries. The Pisces Moon Monday – Wednesday helps you own up to your insecurities in order to transcend them. Then once the Moon shifts into your sign mid-week, you’re likely to attract exactly what you’ve been yearning for. All you had to do was be patient. This weekend’s Taurus Moon helps you get your financial life in order, but a part of you may feel stressed or overwhelmed on Sunday due to several planetary squares, including one between the Moon and your planetary ruler Mars. The key is to break things down into manageable action items and chip your way at them instead of trying to do it all at once. Breathe, remain centered, and cry if you need to. Chiron, an asteroid that symbolizes our inner wounds, is in your sign and it’s here to help you flow through this period of change.