Take a break to breathe and get centered if things feel too much, Aries. The Moon will be in Virgo these days, inspiring us to get our routines and emotions in order. Wednesday may feel a bit uncomfortable. It may be hard for you to get things done, and that’s ok. Be patient. Work at your own pace. Do only what you can. Tomorrow is another day. Be careful with your words, especially if you’re in an off mood. You don’t want to offend the ones you love. On Thursday things will move more smoothly, and you can begin to prepare for the Virgo Full Moon. Do your best to stay centered. Do several 5 or 10 min meditation or yoga practices throughout the day, especially if there’s a lot you have to get done. Self-care should always be at the top of your to-do list. It’ll be extra important for you to rest and take good care of your needs as the Full Moon approaches.