Key Themes: Boundary setting, self-discovery, your inner world, health, honoring comfort

Aries, we’ve just wrapped up your season, launching you into a fresh chapter and solar cycle. What the next twelve months feel like is up to you – and that might feel either exciting or daunting. In the month of May, the universe wants to remind you that often: moving past your fear threshold to step into something new, will bring growth and opportunity. Sometimes, getting past that fear point is a cosmic test as to whether you’re ready for bigger and better things. You might not feel like you’re ready to level up, but if life is pulling you in that direction, then there’s no question that you are. Tip: don’t take nervousness as a signal that something is not meant for you. More often, it’s part of the natural process of moving into alignment with a soul desire.

That being said, May isn’t exactly a month for making impulsive decisions. Ruled by Mars, I know it’s kind of your thing Aries… but a certain degree of slowness, sensitivity and inwardness will be rewarded over the next four weeks. Afterall, it is Taurus season. Plus, we are in a Mercury Retrograde (also in the sign of Taurus). This retrograde may feel like life is on pause, or at least moving in slow motion. While you naturally might be getting a little restless, it’s the perfect opportunity for you to deepen your connection to yourself, and your inner world.

This idea is supported on May 1st, where we have Pluto retrograde beginning through the sign of Aquarius (this will remain the case until October 10th). Pluto is a particularly powerful symbol in astrology. This planet rules our subconscious fears, transmutation and evolution. Pluto retrogrades can kind of be likened to cleaning out the bottom of a pond. They tend to bring skeletons out of the closet, and this can take place on collective and personal levels.
Aries, because this transit activates your sector of community – you’ll likely start noticing some less-than-desired dynamics within social settings, group dynamics or broader society. This could also mean shadow aspects within yourself, and in the ways that you interact with others.

The very next day (May 2nd), lighter vibes emerge with Jupiter (planet of luck and expansion) in your sign forming a harmonious connection with Neptune. You might experience this as a burst of good luck, something falling into place, or an opportunity finally coming through. It’ll be a good day to shoot your shot, whatever that means for you.

On May 5th, the month’s key Astro event unfolds, with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. Because it takes place in your sector or transformation, be prepared for shocks, twists and surprises. All Eclipse seasons tend to turn things on their head, but with this one being in Scorpio that’s turned up into high gear. You can almost guarantee this eclipse will catalyze some deep internal changes and healing processes. If so, be sure to give yourself the breathing space to process. There’s a lot of watery energy being activated in your chart inviting you into your depths and to get seriously reacquainted with your feelings, motivations, fears and desires.

On May 14th, the month takes more of a three-dimensional focus, with Mercury retrograde ending (in Taurus), and Jupiter entering Taurus two days later. A New Moon (also in Taurus!) follows three days later, on May 19th. Aries, these planetary movements are going to activate your sector of health, nourishment and wealth. In other words: it’s time to tune into the wisdom of your body and five senses. You’re specifically being invited to remember the importance of comfort, in allowing your nervous system to calm and move out of a fight-or-flight state. Find activities places that calm and soothe your mind. This might mean traveling to a body of water (even a bath), walking through nature, doing guided meditations, or reading. How can you bring your inner world into a completely chilled out state? Doing so for an hour at least every couple of days is going to bring you more health, vitality, and creative force than you’ve ever imagined. Good luck!