Key Themes:  Self-empowerment, shooting your shot, new levels of trust in the universe

Aries, February could just feel like life recorrecting its course, after the many retrogrades that wrapped up at the end of last month.

With squares to Chiron (the wounded healer), Mercury retrograde and more – the start of 2023 may have felt a little challenging, slow or bumpy. Good news is, with the astrological fire turning up this month, that’s all about to change.

 We kick off the month with a Full Moon in Leo on Feb 5th. This is one of those moons which brings color back into the world. The sign of Leo is all about confidence, self-empowerment and boldness. Not dissimilar from Aries energy, at all. With this moon illuminating your sector of self-expression, you’ll be feeling yourself more than you have in a while. If that doesn’t come naturally to you, I recommend leaning into it. 

The Leo archetype is also all about self-love, which naturally, tends to result in deep healing. Cultivating new levels of self-empowerment, will also make this the perfect window of time to shoot your shot – whatever that means for you.

 Just a few days later on Feb 7th, we see Jupiter (planet of expansion) in your sign, harmoniously connecting with the Lunar North Node. The North Node reflects the particular signature through which we’re being called into evolution. At this time, in Taurus, that means going back to a clean slate with the basics. This means: the way we approach daily life, the food we’re eating, how safe we feel in our living situations, and how seamlessly abundance and financial prosperity enters our life. 

This month (with asteroid Vesta also entering your sign on Feb 7th) will be ideal to keep these ideas in mind, as you launch into new ways of doing all the above. Taking risks may pay off here.

 We’ll be getting a taste of the Piscean influence soon to come (Saturn moves into Pisces next month), with Pisces season beginning on Feb 18th, followed by a Pisces New Moon on Feb 20th

On the very same day Venus (planet of love and beauty) enters your sign Aries. For you, this equals an auspicious moon to say the least. As well as dreaming and following your intuitive calls, to clearly see what your visions and deepest desires are – it will be the perfect time for planting potent seeds of manifestation. We suggest setting intentions for the next six-month cycle, with the words ‘and so it is,’ at the bottom of your page. Words are powerful, and simply the action of physically writing intentions out will carry a strong energetic momentum. 

This moon (and days surrounding) will be a time for cultivating  new levels of trust in the universe. Dissolving your resistance to that idea, in whatever form it takes (inability to receive, distrust of others etc) … will up the floodgates for your dreams to freely flow through.

 On Feb 23rd, Saturn forming a tension with your sign is a reminder that the process mentioned above may not always be light and easy – but it’s oh so worth it. As Dossé-Via so eloquently noted in Signs and Skymates: ‘our essence is perpetually whole, but may shape-shift – it may turn itself inside out or in some other way show us aspects of ourselves we didn’t know existed before.’