Conjunction time Skymates! Aries, today we have the Moon conjoining Pluto which might just uncover some deep truths. Pluto is the planet of the underworld, the subconscious, the taboo. It’s the place where we drop off our shame, guilt and regret – hoping it will disappear. Aries, for you this day carries themes of ambition and long-term visions. You’ll notice that career has been on your mind more than usual. It’s important to regularly tune into your progress within these spheres, as they evolve alongside you. Is the work that you do currently speaking to your soul? Do you feel passionate about it? Does it really ‘fit’ as well as it did when you first started? If not, what (or who) else is calling? It will be a powerful day to have honest discussions with yourself, about the reality of where your work life is at.