Have you set the bar too high? Aries, today at 8:48am EST, the Sun conjoins Mercury in Aquarius. This means it’s a beautiful day for all things self-expression. Aries, it’s time to get weird, and to show off your uniquely beautiful self. Plus with the spotlight (the sun!) on Mercury, mental pursuits, communication and the deconstructive nature of understanding are exemplified. Mercury brings definition to all it touches. Aries, today brings to light all the mental expectations and pressures that you place on yourself – and those around you. The universe invites you to find healthy and constructive ways of releasing them. Meditation, introspection, therapy or a supportive conversation could be the perfect medicine. If you feel called to, write a letter to your younger self. The mental clarity of today allows you to find perfect solutions to long-standing tensions. Is it time to reach out to someone, to have a healthy discussion or to make amends? Only you can answer this.