Welcome to February, skymates! This is the last full month where Saturn, the Planet of Challenge and Responsibility, will be in the sign of Aquarius. On March 7, Saturn enters Pisces, where it’ll remain until 2025. This month is astrologically and spiritually significant. For you, Aquarius, Saturn’s final stretch in your sign is teaching you all about yourself, your resilience and your ability to tap into higher realms of thinking, living, and vibing. Many Aquarians have been dreaming of creating a co-op where they live off-the-grid in a forest or farm, cultivating community and divesting from capitalistic tendencies. Even if your vision for your life is less radical, there’s a part of you that’s been brainstorming ways to do your own thing, especially since March 2020 when Saturn entered your sign. Start off the month taking those brainstorms seriously… You’re only a few decisions away from a completely new life.