Aquarius, today’s energies will feel like food for the soul. Today the Aries moon comes into harmonious connections with Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. Here, the collective experiences harmony between our innermost cores and the world outside us, our communication, sense of abundance and love. Aquarius, today is one where the line of healthy emotional detachment will become clear to you. Notice the areas in your life which no longer resonate. They’ll stand out more than ever, amidst these peaceful energies. There is so much that you’ve simply outgrown even just in this year of 2021. You can feel it weighing you down and holding you back from entering the next chapters of your life. No resentment, grudges or regret is necessary in moving forward – it’s time to nod your head in acknowledgement, say any goodbyes, express gratitude and move on. You are supported, carried and held by the universe.