May 10, 2022 | Intro-Monthly, Monthly Horoscopes
It’s eclipse season, skymates. We’re going through a cosmic passage, one where one consciousness is left behind, with love, but also with mourning. And a new one is entered. Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, shifts into Aries on May 10, for the first time in 11 years. Whew. A major shift awaits us this month, and the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse on the 16th is the highlight of it all. The Moon may be in its fall in Scorpio, but Scorpio has no issue with falling, because they often rise even more beautifully than ever before. With the second Mercury Retrograde of the year beginning on the same day as Jupiter’s entrance into Aries, this portal is guaranteed to feel trippy and somewhat all-over-the-place. But Taurus Season’s energy can still ground us in moments when it feels like we’re either taking flight or propelling ourselves up into space, like a rocket ship. Ultimately, we’re here. On Earth. Breathing our way through life and figuring it out day by day. Lunar and solar eclipses have happened before and they will continue to occur. So we’re here to ride through the waves, and accept what we’re feeling in the process. And now, Jupiter, Venus, and Chiron, all in Aries, want you to actually do something about what you’re feeling. That’s where the magic resides. In the intentional, bold, passionate action. Ready, set? The world is ready for you.
Apr 4, 2022 | Intro-Monthly, Monthly Horoscopes
Intro by KTZ Founder and Astrologer Dossé-Via
Welcome to April 2022, skymates! Each month, the KTZ team of astrologers (Gala, Nisha, Alex, and myself) will be offering free, detailed, monthly horoscopes to all zodiac signs, via our newsletter, website, and app. The year 2022 is a monumental time to be alive, and we believe these offerings will help contribute to our continued awakening and ascension as spirits vibrating within this Solar System together. The planets have always been here to guide us as we take life day by day, breath by breath, following the monthly lunar cycle, and trusting our innate wisdom.
And this April, you will start to see direct correlations between your subconscious thoughts, and the conscious reality in which you’re living. Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, will shift retrograde in Capricorn on April 29, marking the first planet that’s gone retrograde in over two months. April 2022 is also the start of eclipse season. On the 30th we’ll experience a partial New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus, which will be followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, two weeks later, in the month of May.
Eclipses bring forth unprecedented, extremely necessary, change. All zodiac signs will experience significant transformations on personal and collective levels this month, and it begins quite dramatically, as the New Moon in Aries strikes on April 1, inviting us all to take the leap, while trusting that we’ll safely land on the net that the Universe is crafting for us, as we leap. Whew, a mission. Trusting in our whimsical natures. With Mars, the Planet of Action, completing its journey through Aquarius, some of us would rather rigidly hold on to the ideals and beliefs that make us feel safe. But this month, it’s as we surrender to the fact that there is so much that remains unknown, unresolved, and even unquestioned, that the answers we’ve been searching for will appear.
Because this is Jupiter’s final month in Pisces before temporarily shifting into Aries from May 10 to October 28, April will feel serendipitous to many skymates, but particularly those who have an emphasis of Water Sign energy in their birth charts. While the action-oriented energy of Aries Season will encourage us to be productive, with Venus’ presence in Pisces starting the 5th, we’re going to ask ourselves if what we once prioritized is truly as purposeful, or necessary, as we once thought. This is the month where we have radical shifts in our personal and collective consciousness – especially as we prepare to enter eclipse season. Let yourself release the outdated versions of yourself that are no longer a vibrational match with where you’re headed, or who you now are. Even if you’re not ready to release it at the start of the month, by month’s end, the solar eclipse may do it for you.